Thursday 9 June 2011

China Tourism

Tourism in China:
Tourism in China has greatly expanded over the last few decades since the beginning of reform and opening. China has become one of the world's most watched and hottest outbound tourist markets.

Local Tourism:
Travel within china has become easier in recent years with the lifting of travel controls, massive investment in transport facilities, such as roads, railways and airlines, and the rapid rise in incomes.
The number of domestic tourists increased from 695 million in 1998 to 878 million in 2002!
China is the world's third most visited country in the world.

What you would go and see:
Top ten attractions to see in China:
1: The Forbidden City
2: The Great Wall
3: The Terracotta Warriors
4: Karst Mountains in Yangshuo
5:Hangzhou, Paradise on Earth
7: Potala Place, Lhasa
8: The Bund, Shanghai
9: Giant Pandas and Chengdu
10: Modernity in Hong Kong

This is my China Tourism story. 

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